Takaku Laboratory†
Takaku Laboratory is a research group affiliated to College of Knowledge and Library Sciences and Master's and Doctoral Programs in Informatics, its former name was Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, at University of Tsukuba.
Takaku Laboratory has been established in 2013.
The laboratory's research spans the fields of information-seeking behavior, information organization, digital libraries, and information retrieval. A key focus is on modeling information systems that intelligently support the mediation between users' information needs and documents. The laboratory employs advanced methodologies, such as the use of semantic web and knowledge graph technology, in the structuring and data modeling of knowledge information. Other areas of research include the development of information access methods, and the process and evaluation of human information search results.
In recent years, the laboratory has been conducting research in a wide range of areas, including methods for understanding the knowledge transformation of searchers in information-seeking behavior, metadata information systems based on Linked Open Data (LOD), and the state of academic information distribution in the web age.
For more information, please see the list of publications.
If you would like to join our laboratory, please read this page and send your proposal »
Prof. Takaku presented at 2024 Rich Semantics Workshop held in conjunction with The International Conference on Asia and Pacific Digital Libraries 2024.
- Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa, Satoshi Enomoto, Masao Oi, Yumiko Ariyama, Takayuki Ako. Knowledge Representation of Educational Metadata in Linked Open Data: Promoting the Educational Use of Digital Cultural Heritage, 2024 Rich Semantics Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1p. (2024-12)
Prof. Kikkawa presented a paper co-authored with Profs. Yoshikane and Takaku at The 28th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2024).
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Enhancing Identification of Scholarly Reference on YouTube: Method Development and Analysis of External Link Characteristics. TPDL 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.15177, pp.326-341 (2024-09). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72437-4_19
We have presented the following research papers at the IFDIK 2023 Conference which is the joint conferences of ICADL 2023 and A-LIEP 2023 held at Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. Enhancing Learning of Chinese Poem Creation through Auto-Generation and Evaluation System. ICADL 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.14457, pp.3-17 (2023-12)
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Quantitative Analysis of Scholarly References on YouTube: Focusing on their Research Fields and Contributors. ICADL 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.14457, pp.149-158 (2023-12)
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Long-term Progress of DOI Links on Wikipedia: Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese Wikipedia from 2015 to 2023. A-LIEP 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, 16p. (2023-12)
Prof. Jiro Kikkawa presented our at TPDL 2022.
Prof. Kikkawa presented a paper co-authored with Profs. Yoshikane and Takaku at the online session of iConference 2022.
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Time Lag Analysis of Adding Scholarly References to English Wikipedia: How Rapidly Are They Added to and How Fresh Are They?
Note: the presentation will be given again in Barcelona at the end of March in an in-person session.
PhD student Yan Cong presented her research at AP-iConference2022.
- Yan, CONG; Masao, TAKAKU: Prototype of evaluation system for Chinese poetry generation. AP-iConference 2022, Online presentation.
Prof. Jiro Kikkawa presented at TPDL 2022.
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Analysis of the deletions of DOIs: What factors undermine their persistence and to what extent? The 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2022), Padova, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.13541, pp.161-174 (2022-09)
A journal article written by Prof. Kikkawa, Takaku and Prof. Yoshikane has been published at Scientific Data.
- Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane. Dataset of first appearances of the scholarly bibliographic references on Wikipedia articles. Scientific Data, vol.9, article no. 85 (2022-02)
MSc student Itsumi Sato presented at iConference 2021.
- Itsumi Sato, Masao Takaku. Aggregation and Utilization of Metadata for Intangible Folk Cultural Properties Using Linked Open Data
iConference 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol.12645, pp.154-164 (2021-03)
The recent published journal article (in Japanese) written by PhD student Kikawa-san has been introduced in a blog post by non-profit organization Wiki Education, which is trying to make use of Wikipedia for higher education.
- Reference: Jiro Kikkawa, Masao Takaku, Fuyuki Yoshikane: Time-series Analyses of the Editors and Their Edits for Adding Bibliographic References on Wikipedia (in Japanese). Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge. vol.31, no.1, 17p. (2021-01) (in print)
PhD student Yan Cong presented her research at ALIRG 2019 (The 11th Asia Library and Information Research Group Workshop).
Prof. Takaku also presented at the poster session.
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. A Prototype of the Method on How to Collate Tang Poems. ALIRG 2019, Beijing, China (2019-11)
- Masao Takaku, Yuka Egusa. A Lightweight Application Profile Description with Shapes Constraints Language (SHACL): A Case Study from Japanese Textbook Linked Open Data. ALIRG 2019, Beijing, China (2019-11)
PhD student Yan Cong presented her research at Doctoral Consortium at ICADL/A-LIEP/AP-iSchools 2019.
- Yan Cong. The Study on Tang poem?s Infrastructure and Its Application. Doctoral Consortium at ICADL/A-LIEP/AP-iSchools 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019-11
MSc student Yan Cong presented at ALIRG2018.
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. Expanding Tang Poems LOD Dataset with External Resources. ALIRG 2018, Kyushu, Japan (2018-12)
PhD student Jiro Kikkawa presented his research at WikiCite 2018.
- Jiro Kikkawa. Who added DOI Links to Wikipedia?. WikiCite 2018, San Francisco, USA, 2018.
MSc student Cong Yan presented at The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Conference 2018 (JADH2018).
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. A TEI Markup for the Contents of Tang Poems. Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Conference 2018 (JADH2018), Tokyo, Japan, pp.80-81 (2018-09)
Moreover, she presented a lightning talk at the East Asian/Japanese SIG session in the jointly held conference TEI2018.
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. TEI Markup for Tang Poems from Japanese Textbooks. TEI 2018, Tokyo, Japan (2018-09)
MSc student Cong Yan presented at The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Conference 2017 (JADH2017).
- Yan Cong, Masao Takaku. Prototype of Linked Open Data Model for Tang Poems. Japanese Association for Digital Humanities Conference 2017 (JADH2017), Kyoto, Japan, pp.50-52 (2017-09)
PhD student Jiro Kikkawa presented his research at WikiCite 2017.
- Jiro Kikkawa. DOI Links on English, Japanese, and Chinese Wikipedias, WikiCite 2017, Vienna, Austria (2017-05)
PhD student Jiro Kikkawa presented his research at the 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2016).
MSc student Ximei Song presented at the NTCIR-12 Conference.
- Ximei Song, Yuka Egusa, Hitomi Saito, Masao Takaku. IRCE at NTCIR-12 IMine-2 Task. Proceedings of The 12th NTCIR Conference (NTCIR-12), Tokyo, pp.55-59 (2016-06)
This web site for Takaku Laboratory is launched.